Saturday 7 July 2012


BSDA is addressing Cambodia’s growing HIV/AIDS problem through the SAHACOM project. SAHACOM staff are using a network of volunteers, who they train and who have first hand experience of the virus, to reach out into the communities to educate people about this growing problem.

Main Objectives
-       Increase capacity and sustainability of self help groups of PLHIV & OVCs
-       Provide high quality comprehensive care, treatment and support services for PLHIV and OVCs
-       Increase the access to services, HIV knowledge and related behavior change among community members by reducing the discrimination and stigma
-       Build on and create new strong relationships with stakeholders on all levels

-       Awarded with the ‘Best practice in prevention, treatment and impact immigration with HIV/AIDs’’ certificate by the Ministry of Religious Affairs during this year.

The SAHACOM Project facilitates Self Help groups to be set up for adults as well as children who are infected with the virus but also for those who are affected by the disease as well, this offers a well-needed support system for the families and communities.
Small Grants and Village Saving and Loans are also part of this project, these enable communities to save and also the grants help families living with HIV/AIDS to set up chicken raising or the like to help support themselves.
As part of their work in the communities the SAHACOM team arranges community participation events on days such as World Aids Day, Candle Light Day and Child Rights Day and these are all done with the aim of getting communities together and increasing awareness.
This project takes on the UN principle to achieve the three zero strategy by 2020 – zero new infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths and is try to promote this through its work in the communities. It also focuses on pregnant women who are infected and trying to educate them in reducing the risk of transmission or death of their child.

So the other week I had to go out on an M&E (Monitor & Evaluation) trip for the SAHACOM project - we went and did some spot checks on their meetings in the communities.

One of the self help groups that runs a VSL scheme - Village saving & loan scheme

Then we went to meet a PLHIV (People Living with HIV) self help group who also run a loan and saving scheme. Which was held in one of the ladies home.

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