Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Photos taken from my ride out on the tuk-tuk

Quiz time:
It is time to guess how many packets of noodles & cake one can fit in a bus...

and what fruit is this?
Not a great picture but this was taken from a moving Tuk Tuk - on the other side of the Mekong from Kampong Cham the land is flooded for a few miles in land. This is one of the floating fishing rafts that they make and live on in the wet season - off the front they have these great big fishing nets that go in and catch all the fish - I will try and get some better pictures as they are amazing constructions.
View of Kampong Cham from the bridge - I live in the long white building to the right of the picture, just before the land drops back a bit. No high rises in Kampong Cham.

Typical roadside stall - shrine to the right of the photo - to ward off evil spirits and to bring good fortune to the place, coconuts for sale along with some other food which you can just take away in a banana leaf. In the background you can see the arches of the net from another fishing boat.

1 comment:

  1. Warrick wanted to comment on the fruit but it was too rude to say!!! Also he said the boat looks similar to sporty boat! As for the evil spirits do you mean vodka or whisky?? ho ho Love from us! Ps the tuk tuk looks like my weekly tesco order! Laters S x
