Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Meetings are funny things - they take so many different formats around the world - the ones I have been to in Cambodia so far go something like this:
Always start very early in the morning 7.00am attendance role call is not unheard of....
People never turn off their mobile phones here and do not think it is rude at all to take a call in the middle of a presentation
Talking of presentations - I know where all the Powerpoint licences have been sold - it is amazing how much or how little you can present using powerpoint!
And then as the foreigner and not being able to understand a word of what has been said unless you are lucky enough to have a translator on hand(and they are actually translating not taking a call on their mobile!) you always get asked to give your opinion and to ask any questions - I have learnt to have some standard questions and very vague comments up my sleeves so that I am always ready for this....
And then finally you get the refreshments - always a handy little bottle of water along with something wrapped in a banana leaf, today we got Durian cake:

Now I know you that know durian will be thinking the smell but actually once you get over the slight durian aroma they were really tasty.

1 comment:

  1. righto Jane !! chat soon

    w and s and the boys and animals

    ps - this blogging is difficult...may not still work..
