Monday, 15 August 2011

Phnom Pros & Phnom Srei

Man Hill and Women Hill

These two hills or mountains! as they call them over here are part of a local legend.
Tale has it that as women use to ask men to marry them as was the way that the women had enough of this and decided that it should be the other way round. So a competition was devised and the winners would get their way. The competition was 'who could build the highest hill by dawn'
Now the women knew they wouldn't win as the men were stronger so they used their initiative and they built a fire as they built their hill and the flames went into the sky and the men though this was dawn so lay down their tools - however the women kept on building and managed to get a higher hill by the time dawn actually came - so hence the names and why Phnom Srei is the highest.
The legend has many variations to it but this is the one I have been told.
There is a bit of a park between the 2 hills with lots of statues and also monkeys (Mbak Rach - reminds me of Ubud)

1 comment:

  1. Jane, all these place look absolutely amazing; I know you are going to have such a brilliant time this year. Looking forwards to my next Janey update, mwah x
