Sunday, 28 August 2011

From the Pagoda to the main road

I know these are a bit wobbly - but you try cycling with one hand, holding the iPod and then half way along realising that your flip flop has broken!

These are too big for my blog to cope with it seems so I have uploaded them to Youtube - here are the links:

The first is from the Pagoda where my office is in the complex of Wat Nokor to the main entrance to the temple complex.

Then this one is on the road leading away from the Temple joining us to the main busy road and this is where I stopped as if not I probably would have lost the flip flop...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful ride, it beats my commute hands down! I'll think of you when I'm on the train to Winchester this evening. But what happens when you get to the main road? Is it very scary? x

