Well another year has gone and I am another year older but I don't think any wiser!
It was a day in the office as usual until 5pm when the staff surprised me with cake, party hat(just for me not for anyone else), spray foam string, sparklers (the last 2 not a wise mix together!!) and a rendition of Happy Birthday - so lovely of them

Now I had planned to meet a few friends down at Lazy Mekong - local bar/cafe run by a French guy called Frank and his girlfriend Dari - was looking forward to some western food as a yummy b'day treat however my work colleagues wanted to take me out so I went with them for an early supper before meeting everyone else down at Lazy Mekong. So instead of having a western food for my b'day treat I ended up having a lovely meal - a Cambodian specialty - Pro-hok - which was really nice until I realised what it was made out of - this sauce that you had to dip your veggies in was made out of fermented fish - yep fermented - as far as i could gather they slice fish up and put it in a bucket and leave it to ferment for a week or so and then grind it up and make a sauce!! This is why I always try before finding out what exactly I am eating otherwise I would never try things! Anyway it was really lovely and very kind of them to treat me - made me feel part of the BSDA gang.
After that I went down to Lazys and met up with the expat crew - really lovely turn out - Klaus, Ali, Zenia, Basti, Cookie, Paola, Beate, William, Leo and Pedro
They surprised me with some birthday chocolate brownies with candles in which Ali had kindly supplied - she had to get the local cafe/bakery to open up their doors as they had already closed by the evening and she went and raided them of their stock of brownies - so thks to Ali & the girls at Destiny cafe who will of had to get up early the next day to bake some more to replenish their stocks!
Ali, Jane & Klaus |
Me and my b'day flowers from Klaus |
Sparklers are the thing out here! |
So a lovely birthday was had and thank you to all of you who sent me birthday skype calls, emails and e-cards - really made me feel loved!